Empowering Displaced Ukrainian Youth: Insights from Ukrainian Delegates to the UN General Assembly

10/17/20242 min read

At the Final Conference of the Youth Work with Displaced Ukrainian Youth project, a video message was presented by the Ukrainian Youth Delegates to the UN General Assembly. In their address, the Delegates outlined key actions necessary to support displaced Ukrainian youth, emphasizing practical steps to ensure their integration and development.

Below, we highlight the main points from their message, which align with the project's mission of empowering and uplifting young people affected by the war.

Mariia Kotsiurba,

Ukrainian Youth Delegate to the 79 UN General Assembly:

"It is not only the physical displacement that our youth face but it is actually severe emotional trauma as well. This is why it is crucial that youth work helps them heal rebuild your confidence and also restore their hope for the future. We as youth workers can also help them to a large extent because we are creating safe spaces, we are actually providing them with essential support that they need during these challenging times."

Yuriy Lomikovskyy,

Ukrainian Youth Delegate to the 79 UN General Assembly:

"Together we have responsibility as a support our country. It’s resistance right now and recovery after the war. And we can only manage this with unity, through widespread connections. Network empowered us in helping our country and I believe making connections should remain the key priority of youth work. Global Ukrainians should remain connected to each other now and always. And one day I believe we all will be connected back in our motherland."

Mykola Popadiuk,

Ukrainian Youth Delegate to the 78 UN General Assembly:

"One of the key aspects in working with displaced youth whether internally or across borders is creating a sense of belonging and community. This can be achieved by establishing support groups where young people can share their experiences and emotions in the safe environment. This efforts not only help young people integrate into new environments but also offers them a chance to grow, learn new skills and regain confidence."

Denys Ganzha,

Ukrainian Youth Delegate to the 76 UN General Assembly:

"I want to remind you one thing. In March 2022, I think we were the most united nation. We were the nation where every single person has taken the personal responsibility for the future of the country. I really think that we must find one more time when we unite and when we take the personal responsibility. It’s time for you to take the decision to come back home. There is no reason for you to be outside. Because we need you right now very much. The government sector needs you, the business sector needs you, the insurance sector needs you, and I really hope you will work in the solutions to make people come back home. It’s very important, despite all the challenges, despite the war. It’s the need, and you’re welcomed here."

Nargis Mokhd,

Ukrainian Youth Delegate to the 74 UN General Assembly:

"What I can say from my both personal and professional experience is that you should never underestimate the power of network. This is something really important. I think that young Ukrainian refugees should really focus on building a strong network. Where they can gather together, they can discuss the challenges they face every day and brainstorm and finally create. They can create specific projects that are focusing on specific targets and make a life better step-by-step."

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